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 Admin/Mod application for Range Ftw

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3 posters
range ftw
range ftw

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2009-04-30

Admin/Mod application for Range Ftw Empty
PostSubject: Admin/Mod application for Range Ftw   Admin/Mod application for Range Ftw EmptyThu Apr 30, 2009 3:18 pm

As most of you knows, am Pratik, I would like to be a team moderator, also would help you admistrate the website, I would help create it better, safe and good atmostphere in this website.
I'm admin on Ninjascape server and website, as most of you must've known, also I would love to be a moderator/admin:
[color=green]I don't break rules and I try to stop others from breaking any rules of the website, I don't accept any spams and things.I also don't like the guy called Alex, I wouldn't go to his team, but I would obviously go to the openant team of his, also to make sure, I don't misuse my powers, as because I'm admin on ninjascape servers and website and last and final thing to say, I would love to join the team which has Iselingirl, whom I met long time ago on Ninjascape, I'm always there for you iselingirl, but I don't make decisions of making admins and things, so sorry iselingirl.

Range Ftw.[/color][/color]
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Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2009-04-12

Admin/Mod application for Range Ftw Empty
PostSubject: congratz   Admin/Mod application for Range Ftw EmptyFri May 01, 2009 5:00 am

of course range ur our new OWNER ur my friend and ur a true so ill make you OWNER so u can help this too be a good site Smile true friends help eachother
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Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2009-03-18
Age : 29
Location : reykjavík , iceland

Admin/Mod application for Range Ftw Empty
PostSubject: Re: Admin/Mod application for Range Ftw   Admin/Mod application for Range Ftw EmptyFri May 01, 2009 7:10 am

well i accept thiss realy big app and i woodnt give u owner but only admin or special rank but sure u can be the neew owner becose u are the most ruler in the whole ninja :p
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Admin/Mod application for Range Ftw Empty
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